Tuesday, August 30, 2005


From the left to the right : David, Aldie, Resa, Putri ,Me, Allay; Sitting down : Febri, Teguh

We took the picture when we went to puncak in 1996 (if not mistaken). See..how we looked very oldies that time, i wasn't fat as now (i am with yellow shirt)..hehehehe. So tomboy right...the girls were not girlie at all. The boys were skinny, except for Febri, He always looks chubby than others until now...(peace honey...hehehehehe).

We've been friends for almost 10 years. We met for the first time when we were in college in 1995. And than we became 'A Gank' (cool huh....some friends didn't like our existent, They said we looked like 'BH 90210', we're not rich as BH 90210,but we do look good and cute...hihihihihi). We were a bunch of crazy kids that day.

Arteri Pondok Indah at Night
The picture shows Resa, Me and Putri. This picture took on 1997 (if i'm not mistaken) when we did statistic practice by counting the queue of cars and motorcycles in Pondok Indah Mall Park area.
We were team for some subjects when we were in college and we always tried to be together in doing anything. We really had wonderful days .... We like to hanging around together, sight seeing, share our love stories, gossiping, went to the mall, spent the night at my home, etc. I really miss that time....
Putri is already married now, she became the first bride in our gank and left us behind. Now, she is expecting a baby from her pregnancy...great.

Graduation Day on year 2000
I forget when exactly we celebrated our graduation day. Resa was already graduated and had her graduation day a few months ago, she left us behind..but we catched her a few months later.
There are Rama on the left and Aji beside me who didn't exist in the first pic. We posed in full team member.

Putri and David 's Wedding
(From left to right : Febri,Teguh,Oki,Me,David,Putri,Lulus, Tia,Allay,Rama)

Resa ana Aldie were not present at that Time, Aldie was in Australia to continue his study for master degree. Resa was came but she left the party early because she had farewell party with her boss and her friends from her company. She is going to go to Japan in a few days later.

Putri's Midodareni Night......

In the middle is 'David'..'The Groom', Putri was in her room,she was wearing kebaya and make up..David didn't allow to meet her on that night and also eat food from her house (poor David..he was hungry on that day..hahahaha, he could only drink a glass of water).

Look...we were so happy to have their wedding day. Big smile on our faces...congratulation...

Allay and Tia's Wedding......

This is my bestfriend 'Allay' and his wife 'Tia' when they were getting married. See , how happy they were on their big day. The bride was so beautiful, and the groom (hahahahaha, i will not flatter Him) looked so excited, handsome? (no..no..no..) hahahahahaha.

We had a silly accident on their wedding day, when we were ready to take some pic for Keluarga Kita (exclusively restricted,only for us) , some men disturbed our session and joined our photograp session. Hu..uh...made us so upset. So we repeated our photograph session for couple times after they took their own photograph session. Let them know that we were exclusive....hihihihihi

So many good memories aroud us. We like to play, hanging around, going without destination. There was no pressure on us. we were young.....Life was so great at that time.

Now, we are getting old and one by one my bestfriends are getting married, and they left me behind..hiks..hiks..(although i have the longest relationship..:((). I do love them a lot,They are my second family for me. We are really having a great time together.

Monday, August 29, 2005

When you love someone

you'll do anything

You'll do all the crazy things
that you can't explain

You'll fly to the moon,
or reach for the sun
when you love someone

You'll deny the truth,
believe the lies

There will be times that you believe
you can really fly

But your life has really just begun
when you love someone

When you love someone and feel it deep inside,
and nothing else could ever change your mind

When you want someone,
when you need someone,
when you love someone,
you'll sacrifice

Give everything you've got

You won't think twice

You risk it all

No matter what the cost
when you love someone

You'll fly to the moon
and touch the sun
when you love someone

by Arshad Fansuri

Saturday, August 27, 2005

New baby was born on August 26th 2005 at 11.27 AM in Asih Hospital,Kebayoran Baru,Jakarta
Congratulation and celebration......
Yahui...I'm an Auntie now....
For Rama and Indah as new parents now, They have a beautiful baby now and It's a girl \:D/ horeeee, the baby's name is Thara Charissa (cute name;))), She is a very big baby with weight 4,1 kg and length 53 cm.
Two more babies will be come soon..may be on October from Teguh and Chully and on November from David and Putri, hm...our world will be more crowded then with these cute little creatures...hehehehehehe.

I'm wondering when i'll be a mother like Them....(dreaming..soon I hope 8->).
Aku dapat petikan tentang kualitas pribadi dari Milist Indocommunity salah satu milist yang aku ikut gabung, mungkin bisa jadi masukan buat yang baca Blogku. Dari kualitas pribadi dibawah ini,kira2 ada gak ya yang masuk kedalam kepribadianku???;))
Kualitas pribadi yang terbaik
Ketulusan menempati peringkat pertama sebagai sifat yang paling disukai oleh semua orang. Ketulusan membuat orang lain merasa aman dan dihargai karena yakin tidak akan dibodohi atau dibohongi. Orang yang tulus selalu mengatakan kebenaran, tidak suka mengada-ada, pura- pura, mencari-cari alasan atau memutarbalikkan fakta. Prinsipnya "Ya diatas Ya dan Tidak diatas Tidak". Tentu akan lebih ideal bila ketulusan yang selembut merpati itu diimbangi dengan kecerdikan seekor ular. Dengan begitu, ketulusan tidak menjadi keluguan yang bisa merugikan diri sendiri.
Kerendahan Hati
Berbeda dengan rendah diri yang merupakan kelemahan, kerendah hatian justru mengungkapkan kekuatan. Hanya orang yang kuat jiwanya yang bisa bersikap rendah hati. Ia seperti padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Orang yang rendah hati bisa mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan orang lain. Ia bisa membuat orang yang diatasnya merasa oke dan membuat orang yang di bawahnya tidak merasa minder.
Murah Hati
Kemurahan hati sudah menjadi barang langka & sangat tinggi harganya. Zaman sekarang sungguh susah mencari orang yang murah hati yang siap menolong orang-orang disekitarnya dengan tulus tidak memikirkan keuntungan pribadi atas bantuan yang diberikan Tidak diragukan lagi, orang yang murah hati akan dicintai dan memiliki banyak sahabat
Positive Thinking
Orang yang bersikap positif (positive thinking) selalu berusaha melihat segala sesuatu dari kacamata positif, bahkan dalam situasi yang buruk sekalipun. Dia lebih suka membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan orang lain, lebih suka bicara mengenai harapan daripada keputusasaan, lebih suka mencari solusi daripada frustasi, lebih suka memuji daripada mengecam, dan sebagainya.
Karena tidak semua orang dikaruniai temperamen ceria, maka keceriaan tidak harus diartikan ekspresi wajah dan tubuh tapi sikap hati. Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang bisa menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan. Dia bisa mentertawakan situasi, orang lain, juga dirinya sendiri. Dia punya potensi untuk menghibur dan mendorong semangat orang lain.
Bertanggung jawab
Orang yang bertanggung jawab akan melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kalau melakukan kesalahan, dia berani mengakuinya. Ketika mengalami kegagalan, dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan. Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati, dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun. Dia menyadari bahwa dirinya sendirilah yang bertanggung jawab atas apapun yang dialami dan dirasakannya.
Kebesaran Jiwa
Kebesaran jiwa dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang memaafkan orang lain. Orang yang berjiwa besar tidak membiarkan dirinya dikuasai oleh rasa benci dan permusuhan. Ketika menghadapi masa- masa sukar dia tetap tegar, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan.
Empati adalah sifat yang sangat mengagumkan. Orang yang berempati bukan saja pendengar yang baik tapi juga bisa menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain.Ketika terjadi konflik dia selalu mencari jalan keluar terbaik bagi kedua belah pihak, tidak suka memaksakan pendapat dan kehendaknya sendiri. Dia selalu berusaha memahami dan mengerti orang lain.

Friday, August 26, 2005

The picture was taken when our section head 'Mrs. Menik' (she in the the middle of girls's line)had resign from this crazy company. Lucky her, she can left this company...I don't know when finally i can walk out from this company,hehehehehe ;(
She is already left this company for almost 5 months, since march 2005. But until now there is no one replace her position in the office. Actually i volunteer myself to replace her (hahahahaha...my friends will hit me if i replace her...hahahaha,I'm not qualified at all). We have no section head now,so we coordinate our day to day works by ourselves. Just like a child who loose his mother, no one directing us. But that's ok, we are grown up, we learn to handle problems and solve them even there is no one directing us. Everybody can be a manager for himself right? also be a bos for everybody...hahahahaha.
We took this picture in the office. I remember it was saturday on that day..when no one work there, so we can freely used that place. But it doesn't look that we were in the office right? It looks that we posed in photo studio..cool right, so well prepared....hehehehe.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Colour Blind
Written by Darius

Feeling blue
When I'm trying to forget this feeling
That I miss you
Feeling green
When the jealousy wells and it won't
Go away in dreams

Feeling yellow
I'm confused inside a little hazy but mellow
When I feel your eyes on me

Feeling fine, sublime
When that smile of yours
Creeps into my mind

Nobody told me it feels so good
Nobody said you'd be so beautiful
Nobody warned me about your smile
You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyesI'm colour blind
You make me colour blind

Feeling red
When you spend all your time with your friends
And not me instead

Feeling black
When I think about all of the things that
I feel I lack

Feeling jaded
When it's not gone right
All the colours have faded
Then I feel your eyes on me

Feeling fine, sublime
When that smile of yours
Creeps into my mind

Nobody told me it feels so good
Nobody said you'd be so beautiful
Nobody warned me about your smile
You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyes
I'm colour blind
You make me colour blind

Blinded by the light you shine
The colours fade completely
Blinded by you everytime
I feel your smile defeat me
I'm colour blind
I just can't deny this feeling
Nobody told me it feels so good
Nobody said you'd be so beautiful
Nobody warned me about your smile
You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyes
I'm colour blind
You make me colour blind
Nobody told me it feels so good
Nobody said you'd be so beautiful
Nobody warned me about your smile
You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyes
I'm colour blind
You make me colour blind

Pas denger lagu ini, kok tiba-tiba rasanya 'klik' banget sama perasaanku yang sering muncul..lagunya asik banget dan easy listening...enak deh ;)) Aku dengerin lagu ini berulang-ulang pake headphone sampai lama2 telingaku sakit sendiri...hihihihihi..abis pas banget gitu logh....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Just a little bit about me..I'm a simple and easy going person, but I may become complicated if it deals with love ;)), yeah... when love and hate collide. The rest about me are I love food , i like to eat but i hate to be fat, but I do like sports...hehehehehe. Somestimes I can be so selfish and moody, but actually i'm a nice person.
For me life is so beautiful, I've been up and down in my life,so many tears, so many laughs, and all of those make my life so colourful that's why i love my life so much. Life is too short so be happy (smile),don't waste your time, don't make your life feel hard by acting and thinking complicated... just be simple...